Current Biennial Cycle
The Planning-Assessment Continuum is the process implemented by The University of Montana, designed not only to facilitate desired outcomes, but to help clarify our vision and mission, and to communicate and demonstrate to internal and external stakeholders that we are making the best use of resources to do the right things for the right reasons.
The current biennial cycle is a designed integration of various governing bodies to align with external requirements and internal aspirations for efficient public service. The present biennial cycle began with the January 2015 Montana legislative session. Upon subsequent completion of the legislative session, the University will publish the revised and updated University Strategic Plan. Then in May 2015, the upcoming budget for FY16 will be ratified and implemented shortly thereafter. In concluding the FY15 year, that July 2015, the University will release its assessment report and report card of the preceding year. The following August, the President will give his State of the University Address directing the future of the University. During the following fall, the development of the preliminary strategic plan for 2016/2017 Biennium will occur, and submittal in January 2016 of the plan to the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education in Montana. Next, the 2018-2019 Plan will then be presented to the Montana Board of Regents, and that spring of 2016, the University will refine the FY17 budget with adoption planned for late May. In July 2016, assessment report and report cards will again follow the fiscal year. The University President’s State of the University Address will transpire that August 2016. And in fall, the final request for budget for the 2018-2019 Plan will be submitted. By January 2017, the next biennium proposal will be submitted to the legislative session and the cycle will renew for another biennium.